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Maximize your savings! Did you know that our shipping fee of £4.95 covers a total weight of up to 3kg? This means that the more items you buy, the more you save! For instance, if you buy just 1 item weighing 250g for £2.39, you'll pay a total of £7.34 with shipping. But if you buy 2 of the same item, you'll end up only paying £4.86 per item with shipping.
Dont forget you can always mix and match. So why not add a few more items to your cart and save on shipping?
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Tracked 48
0-3kg = £4.95
3-6kg = £5.45
6-9kg = £5.95
9-12kg = £6.45
12-15kg = £6.95
15 and up = £11.90
Tracked 24
0-3kg = £7.95
3-6kg = £8.45
6-9kg = £8.95
9-12kg = £9.45
12-15kg = £9.95
15 and up = £17.90
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